As adults they are parasites that draw blood from their host. Hosts include domestic pets, rodent and humans.
Fleas need blood for everything – their feeding and reproduction. Nevertheless fleas can go months without food waiting for a viable host to pass by until they resume their normal activities.
Fleas usually enter buildings through infested rodents or pets. Once inside a building they can become a problem because although they do not primarily feed on humans, once their main source of food is absent they turn to us.
Sightings: The best way to observe flea activity is to completely abandon the building for a while and then come back. You would notice fleas jumping around as you walk around if the place is infested
Another common sign is the incessant scratching by your pets as fleas cause them discomfort when they feed on their flesh
Flea droppings can also be notice on carpets and pet’s beds. The droppings look like coarsely ground black pepper.
You could also suspect flea infestation if you begin to notice bite marks or feel bites on your ankle and lower leg.
– A good way to start is by ensuring that all cracks and openings in your walls floors and/or ceilings are properly closed to prevent further entry of flea infested rodents
– If you have domestic pets ensure that your pets are thoroughly checked at a Vet preferably. And clean out the beds they sleep in and places that they usually stay.
Now although such steps can help the situation, it does not address the infestation entirely. Flea populations are made nearly half of their eggs, and another 20%-30% of their larvae, meaning that once the conditions are favorable the infestation would continue. That is why it is best to call it is best to inquire the services of a Pest Control organization. Here at KenMore, we thoroughly access the situation on ground, identify all the root areas of the infestation and offer you the best possible solutions.